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Concentration in Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Concentration in Sustainability and Social Responsibility

We are the only university in Peru that offers undergraduate students the opportunity to graduate with a concentration in Sustainability and Social Responsibility.

Elective Courses

Elective Courses


The concentration in Sustainability and Social Responsibility is made up of four elective courses than will enable you to develop capacities and skills from different perspectives, with a focus on human and sustainable development. You can take from one to four courses in this concentration.

Courses in the Concentration


Fundamentals of Sustainable Development

Study the proposal of innovative solutions to problems caused by companies that generate wealth in an unsustainable manner. You will build your capacity to promote and create sustainable business activities with social, economic, and environmental criteria.


Social Responsibility Management

This course convers how to manage the resources of any organization optimally, with triple accountability: economic, social, and environmental. You will learn what social responsibility is about and what tools are used to implement it.


Social Responsibility Project Design and Assessment 

What are the tools for planning, designing, and managing a company’s social responsibility projects? You will obtain a foundation for developing these concepts and creating social value in the business world. 


Social Responsibility and Public Policy

You will learn how to execute socially responsible projects aimed at improving the quality of life of the population, taking the public policies and methodology of the national public investment process in force in Peruvian legislation as a framework of reference.

Frequently asked questions 


Who can take the concentration?  

The concentration is open to students from all USIL undergraduate programs. The four courses it comprises are electives and are complementary to a student’s profession. 


What courses make up the concentration?   

The concentration consists of four courses:   

  • Social Responsibility Management
  • Fundamentals of Sustainable Development 
  • Social Responsibility Project Design and Assessment 
  • Social Responsibility and Public Policy

What are the prerequisites for the courses in the concentration?

The only prerequisite is having earned 120 academic credits. To take the Social Responsibility and Public Policy course, it is necessary to have passed the Social Responsibility Project Design and Assessment course.


How can I obtain a certificate in the concentration? 

To obtain a certificate in the concentration, you must pass the four courses in the concentration.


What will I learn in the concentration?

The concentration complements a student’s major, providing knowledge, skills, and tools for his/her professional and personal use, with a sustainability and social responsibility perspective. We aim for our students to make professional and/or personal decisions, considering the social, environmental, and economic impacts they may have on their society.